The Joyfulicity Podcast

Casey Stevens - Radical Transformations Through Conscious Awakening

October 18, 2023 Laura Wakefield Season 1 Episode 31
Casey Stevens - Radical Transformations Through Conscious Awakening
The Joyfulicity Podcast
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The Joyfulicity Podcast
Casey Stevens - Radical Transformations Through Conscious Awakening
Oct 18, 2023 Season 1 Episode 31
Laura Wakefield

My guest this week is Casey Stevens - spiritual psychologist: clinically trained, mystically guided. Casey helps her clients heal and awaken to their true natures through a combination of traditional psychology methods and modalities stemming from various eastern philosophies. She shares a bit of her personal story with me here as well. You're going to love getting to know this remarkable woman.

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Show Notes Transcript

My guest this week is Casey Stevens - spiritual psychologist: clinically trained, mystically guided. Casey helps her clients heal and awaken to their true natures through a combination of traditional psychology methods and modalities stemming from various eastern philosophies. She shares a bit of her personal story with me here as well. You're going to love getting to know this remarkable woman.

Learn more about Casey on her links page:
and follow her on Instagram:

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Laura Wakefield:

Welcome to the joy Felicity podcast. I'm your host, Laura Wakefield. And I am pleased today to have as my guest, Casey Stephens. Casey is a psychotherapist who specializes in psychology with a spiritual base, and restructuring, unproductive patterns, and conscious awakening. And of course, I read that in her bio and got really excited, because that's what I'm all about too, is topics like this. So thank you so much for being here with me today, Casey.

Casey Stevens:

Thanks for having me, Laura. I'm delighted to be in your presence.

Laura Wakefield:

Oh, thank you. That's so sweet of you. So I was all up in your website today and got to reading your backstory and kind of what led you into wanting to be a healer and a counselor and a psychotherapist and a coach and all the things that you aren't? Would you mind sharing a little bit of that story with everyone how you got to where you are today?

Casey Stevens:

Sure. Well, it's been a circuitous path, for sure. So I did not start out knowing that I wanted to do this. So I feel like I just was living a entirely different life. And then challenges came for me real, you know, challenges that were unexpected. And they felt really unwelcome at the time. And I guess I was in my mid to late 20s, at that time. And really, I didn't have any other choice, but to really examine re examine everything, truly everything. So. So that's what I did, I really, it was a time where I was just seeking and exploring and trying to find answers to some of the challenges that I was in trying to find myself, you know, and discover who I really was because I think so much of that can be automatic habituated programming that, you know, we're not even really conscious of. And so it really was an opportunity for me to just wake up to become awakened to myself. So I went into therapy. And at the time, this was like I was in a marriage and my husband needed some therapy, and I needed something, we needed some therapy, and we all we all needed therapy. And so a lot of it had to do just with that, entering into that realm that I hadn't done before. And I was so fortunate because I found a therapist, she was she was also a psychotherapist, but she practiced from this spiritual bent. And I just loved, you know, I mean, I think it's no coincidence that I found her, you know, energetically I think these things just work out that way. So we started working with her, and then I kept working with her, as you know, all of that kind of imploded and unfolded. And then it really, you know, she just became this sanctuary that I really looked forward, I was going, you know, at the height a couple of times a week, just to kind of dive in. And I just was like, you know, I loved my sessions. It was like my most coveted hour of the week that I got to spend. And I just kept doing that until I started to, you know, unfold and more answers about myself were revealed to me. So this is probably the long answer. But that's how it all started. And so my life, I always kind of think about before therapy going into therapy, and then after, and they were just are just totally two different seasons of my life. And so that feels like a lifetime ago. But I just, I got so much out of my time with her. And after a certain point, I walked in, and I just had been thinking and she just kind of held a really beautiful container for me, she didn't leave me too much, or tell me what she had already seen that I you know, hadn't quite seen in myself yet. And eventually I walked in and I just said, I think I want to do what you do. Because it was like everything in my life was needed to be restructured and I needed to figure out not just who I was, but also like, what my real purpose in this world was. And there's just so much of it that was unfolding. So eventually I had that knowing that I shared with her and she just said, I've just been waiting for you to say that, which I'll never forget, right? I mean, it just is like, you know, cinched in my brain, this beautiful moment. And then she was actually so amazing and so supportive, helping me write recommendations to go into school and she's like, I normally wouldn't do this for most people, but we just kind of had this special bond, which was so amazing. So she was a huge part of that. And then once I decided I was just so you know, intentional. I just was so clear about what that path was. And I knew that I wanted to practice not in the same way that she did because I think we all bring our own you know, natural medicine, but I knew I wanted it to be this hybrid of spirituality and psychology because both really resonated with me. You know, I can be really analytical and I want to understand human behaviors and like I'm really grounded in In my, someone said to me once, like you haven't really grounded intuition, so I but I knew I wanted to bring my intuitive parts and learn and study things. Because a lot of my own gifts started to awaken when I just spent time being present with them. So. So that's kind of how that unfolded. So then I, of course, went, you know, back and did my schooling for my psychology degree. But then also, I knew that I wanted to just, you know, boom, boom, boom, like, knocked out some of these other things that I was really interested in, which was, you know, learning about some of the more Eastern traditions, ancient practices, those kinds of things as well. So I wanted to get, you know, just play around and lots of things that there were, that were available, in addition to the psychology degree, to just kind of know, like, what is my medicine? And how will I merge these two together? So that's how that all unfolded. And then once I was on that path, it was, it was pretty swift. I mean, I was pretty determined and focused. And, you know, I still look back and wonder how I got through all those years. But, but I did and, and I emerged, and then I hung my little shingle and have been practicing ever since.

Laura Wakefield:

Isn't that interesting? Because I hear I hear a similar theme from a lot of people, when I asked that question that get into healing counseling, that it was some kind of a tragedy or a difficulty in their own life, that shook them out of the life, they were living and just opened a whole new life out in front of them. And then they just want to help other people to do that, once they see how that feels for themselves. And I love that. Yeah, stories where people's lives are just completely transformed like that.

Casey Stevens:

Right? Yeah.

Laura Wakefield:

It is. And it's, it's quite common, but a lot of people never experience it. And that becomes the message is to try to help as many people as possible. Learn that you really can live a different way if you're not happy the way you're living.

Casey Stevens:

Right? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. It's really I always think of it as this journey from like, the wounded healer, right? So it's an archetype, I think that we have as, as helpers and healers in the world. And, you know, and moving from the wounded healer, which is like unproductive healing, or others, right, that are unproductive, helping others to truly healing others. And I experienced I was, you know, like, benefited from somebody else, being an embodied healer and holding that container for me. And then like, when you click into that, and you see how powerful it is, it really you can align with your purpose and think like, yeah, how do I do this? How am I kind of my true essence, which is wanting to be helpful, really, to people be loving and and be that presence that can inspire? And how do I do that in a more healed embodied way. And so that was the journey that I went on, to learn how to how to do that. And it you know, you can look back on all the tragedy and, and, you know, struggle and loss and whatever it is that it is for each of us and really see it as, you know, a transformative moment that you're really grateful for, and I wouldn't have any other way because I wouldn't be who I am today without it. So,

Laura Wakefield:

exactly. So I love that you're blending the spirituality aspect of living with the clinical aspect of living, because so often, I think, in society, and in our own minds, those are like separate entities. And then a person needs to be one or the other, either very clinically minded, or very spiritually minded. Talk to me about why it's important to tap in because I believe all of us have both of those sides to our personality. Yeah, talk to me about why it's important to blend those two things and why you'd like to blend them in your practice.

Casey Stevens:

Ah, well, I mean, I just think when, when I, you know, have studied any of the modalities, I feel like if we're too spiritual, or if we're too grounded, kind of in the Western traditions, or the structure or the modalities of that, I feel like them separate from one another, there's just such a fundamental, essential, quintessential piece really, that's missing if we don't blend them. I know for me, you know, as I probably just was explaining that it really was the blending of those two that I found most beneficial, I needed to be grounded, you know, I needed my healing to be grounded and practical in this world and have, you know, this logical, comprehensive understanding of that in a traditional sense, but also we are, you know, I think that the part of us that is this ephemeral piece, right, that is so essential and really them Most important part of who we are. And so if we just look at one without really including this other piece, then I think we're not examining the whole self. And that would just, I think, is a disservice. And I think we're more potent and healing when we can include both. Because I really believe that we are spiritual beings, right, having a human experience. So to understand that part of ourselves, I think it's just kind of the integral way of really including all of us. And in a way, even in psychology and systems thinking, right of like getting to that higher system that we really need to tap into, and what what is our spiritual self, which is our relationship with everything. And so it's important to examine that, and I think, to just do one like, if, you know, sometimes, and it's not a criticism, but just my personal belief, is to just study spirituality, or to be too mystical, right? Sometimes it can be unapproachable to some people or to be to in the psychology, we can, you know, diminish this other really essential part of ourselves of our essence. And so I think blending them. I couldn't practice without it, right? Sometimes people, it's like, you just never really know how anyone session or experience with anyone you know, client is going to be, but for sure, whether you're talking directly about it, somebody that's holding a container that really sees the whole you is really important. I think, I know, I wouldn't have healed in the same way if I didn't experience that. And so I like to offer that in my own unique way for, for clients of mine.

Laura Wakefield:

Yeah, I agree with you that I think that that spiritual component is really the essence of who we are. But yet, it's deeply ironic to me that that's the aspect of life that I think most often gets ignored, or pushed down by people. And so when you talk about awakening, that resonates a lot, because we all have it, whether we acknowledge it or not. And you said in your website, and this is something that I agree with, too, that spirituality and religion are not the same thing. Now, religion may be an aspect of that for some people. But regardless of what your stance is, on religion, you are a spiritual being. Yes, so we tend to kind of ignore that. And I, for me, I tapped into that a lot. And this is kind of my next question for you, because I saw a lot about guided meditation. And it was when I got into meditation, that I really started to sit long enough to let some of that reveal itself to me. So touch guided meditation, and how you use that in your practice. Yeah,

Casey Stevens:

I mean, you know, I have, you know, you can go on and get free guided meditations, that are just like, pre recorded that hopefully, people will find, and there's lots of those out there in the world. But certainly I have, you know, you can go get those on my website, if you sign up, and then you'll get little free things that I'll send you. And, and, but I use it a lot in my sessions. So I think when we're just accessing, you know, the conscious mind, lowercase c, versus the capital C, conscious mind and the unconscious, right, and all the layers that we can go into, I think guided meditation or any kind of induction into, you know, a subconscious state, really allows us to bring forward more of our consciousness, and that that depths of self, the spirituality, our, our, you know, that, you know, eternal essence that we have, and we can peel all of that away. And so one way that I do it, and I don't even know if it's just that I would just call it guided meditations, sometimes I feel like even the language can be too simplistic for exactly what it is, or it just looks like such a different place. But it really is a dropping into our deeper self, exactly what you're describing, right and finding that center point, connecting that center point to a presence that's greater than we are but also the deep presence within our own self right as we do it. So when I do it in sessions, it's all just kind of channeled honestly, like, you know, I could, you know, be in a session I don't think, Oh, hey, I'm gonna go in and this is what we're going to do. But if it seems important, the message is coming through or whatever, however, that translates, it could just be alright, I'll have clients close their eyes and then, you know, just guide them through whatever is coming through their energy is kind of connecting with my energy and communicating and then I can guide them through something that would be essential, and it's usually something that they would need and sometimes it's just, you know, there They're listening, and I'm kind of relaying, you know, like a live meditation to them. And sometimes it's interactive, right, where, you know, we get to a certain point, and you know, they're deep enough, and then we'll kind of go in and do it could be, you know, kind of this shamanic type quantum work where they're conveying back and we're moving energy. And sometimes it's just silence and stillness where there was fully receiving, but sometimes it's this interactive thing, and I just never know what's going to come through. But usually, you know, the guidance for that steps forward as well. So I think it's a really, really amazing way, I don't know what your experience is with it. But I feel like healing can happen faster, when you're accessing those deeper parts. And then you bring them forward, even if it comes through in this really, you know, animate way that symbolic or might seem random or weird, it's like we can actually access and we can go heal, you know, things from, you know, past lives or childhood, we can just access all of these, there's no time and space, we can just access it all. And so that also helps to just really make these radical shifts in a quicker time than we could if we were just doing traditional talk therapy.

Laura Wakefield:

I love that because I noticed, what's coming to my mind while I'm hearing you is from my own experience, and from other people that I know, that journey, if you haven't walked it before, can feel a little bit scary. A bit intimidating. You know, do I really want? Do I really want to tap into all of that? Right? You know, so what do you say to people that maybe have a hesitation that? I don't know, I mean, I'm doing okay, I don't know, if I really want to bring all that? You know, what would you say to that?

Casey Stevens:

Well, I would say if someone I mean, that happens often, right? I mean, this is what we're doing is we're breaking through barriers of resistance inside of us. And so if you have that feeling, then probably you do need like it would depend, if we were in the middle of a session and that feeling came up, which happens often, then instead of trying to push beyond it, we just really want to greet that energy and find out what the barrier is what the resistance is. And so that's one thing, and I usually encourage people I, you know, in my healing, I always hold the intention, you know, as as a healer to really kind of have a sacred container that I'm hold people in. So I, I want to push people, right, I really want to push people, I don't want to just kind of, you know, linger right in the liminal space, I want to push people beyond because that's what they're coming to me for. So I always encourage them to push themselves beyond what they're comfortable. But I also hold the intention and the energy in the container that everything that needs to be revealed, like nothing is going to come forward that they aren't ready for. I don't think that's how the psyche or the unconscious mind works. Like if it's coming forward, especially in a container, you know, I think I've really tried to be impeccable in the way that I hold that for people energetically just so that nothing is steps forward. That is their psyche can't handle or they're, they're not ready to process. So knowing that I feel really confident pushing people, but also, you know, listening to where they are. And I think when that comes up again, if you're in the space of it, then all we need to do is just really greet that feeling. And that's then we just stop right there. And, and we're just with that energy, whatever presents itself. And it might be really interesting or surprising what steps forward if you really just pause. And instead of thinking about what's beyond that, that moment, or what what's beyond that feeling or where we might, you know, want to go eventually, in the journey. We're just we just stay right there as long as we need to take as long as we need to, as long as it takes right until we can emerge beyond it and they are can really integrate and feel more comfortable moving forward again. So that's how I approach it. I don't know, you know how you do but I would just say to anybody who you know, is contemplating even like, oh, I don't need it. Probably you do, you know if you feel that way. But it's also so personal. And it's such a choice and really, the seeking heart, right, I tend to work with people who are seekers and want to dive into this stuff. And so they have a growth mindset, they, you know, want to awaken they want to keep pushing, pushing the next level and the truth is, when people start doing that it's uncomfortable and it's it's you're opening a door to you know, a almost like a constant state where that doesn't really end because you're choosing this path consciously now that I think your soul is already on right that wants to awaken in this way. And you know, you can get deep into the healing with people, whether it's a one time I'm or it's ongoing, where you're constantly kind of pushing those that, you know, leading edge. And it never said that people will look back like, oh my gosh, if I knew that this is what this is like crazy if I knew that this was going to be like, like, nobody would start it really. But it's also, you just wouldn't because you it is. So it's so powerful, and it's so intense, and nobody ever gets it. Right, it is because you are ascending to these places, when that's who you are, I think when that's who your soul is. And when that's the work that you choose to do in the world, you see that it actually never stops. Right. And so that can be inherently uncomfortable.

Laura Wakefield:

Yeah, and I love that you the way you worded that, that you greet that as it comes up. Because I think usually the reason we want to keep things down, is because we've already either consciously or subconsciously labeled them as flaws, or that's bad about me, that's either my history or this characteristic I have all these things are bad. So we have to keep those down. We don't want those coming up. Right. Except for they're still residing in us as long as they do. Right. And so but if we shame them immediately upon approach, they're gonna slip back down. I love that idea of greeting that, like, Well, hi, let's, let's get to know you. And let's decide if you're staying or going in my life. I love I love that imagery.

Casey Stevens:

Well, and that's really how any shame work, like if you're doing shame work, and that's what Shadow Work is, right is there's some part of ourselves that we can't accept, we can't acknowledge we're ashamed of, is causing too much pain. And so we kind of, you know, push it out, and we don't want to experience it, we shouldn't, you know, shun it and rejected or avoided or whatever, you know, words you would want to use for that. And really, the way to integrate any parts of ourselves that feel shame is to welcome them, to greet them to accept them to lovingly try to understand them and have compassion for whatever it is that they're trying to tell you. Because ultimately, all parts are valuable and useful and essential and important. And it really is, you know, I think that this journey that we're on, right, as a soul is just a journey to wholeness. And so, we have to accept all of those parts, if we're going to journey towards that wholeness, otherwise, we're just this fragment itself.

Laura Wakefield:

Yeah, I totally agree with that. And as long as there's a part of us, maybe part of our personal history, that we're labeling as bad, what we're really doing is labeling part of us as bad. That experience might have been bad or unpleasant that we went through. But we need to find some way to come to peace with that within ourselves that we're not bad, because that's part of our history. And that can be a painful process. It's I love that you talk about holding space and creating that safety for someone. Because that's so essential. Yeah, there's people that reach adulthood and have never had that safe space and that place to let all of that come up. We all need that don't wait. Absolutely. For different things. And you've referred to it I want to make sure I say this correctly. As true alignment, what do you mean, by true alignment?

Casey Stevens:

Yeah, well, I mean, gosh, that can be so complex. Ultimately, what I think it is, is we are made up our soul is whole, right? Like it wants to be whole. And so it is about integrating these pieces, but it's also about consciously knowing it's really important for us to get to consciously know, what are the constructs and the programs and the personalities and the compensatory strategies that we have taken on as a, you know, product of having some injury along the way. And so or absorbing what it is that other people are is other people's energy or their woundedness or, you know, the society's, you know, construct around things. I mean, there's just so many layers in so many systems, that we take those on throughout our lives, especially developmentally, when we're forming what we think is our, you know, identity and our personality, right. And so I think that alignment really is about dismantling all that. That is not who we are, right, truly who we are. So all of those constructs, all of those programs, all of the things that we've or compensatory strategies, again, because that's part of it that we take on ourselves to get through, you know, difficult challenging times or even opportunities and it's really examining consciously capital C conscious, who am I really, versus what is it that I have done in order to get through this or because I needed to or because I didn't really have another choice or because I wasn't conscious at this time and I will is absorbing, you know, this intel from all around me, my parents, school friends, you know, whatever partners, you know, whatever that might be, but even developmentally, I mean, so much of this we know from studying psychology and the brain, right? That that really is developmentally so much of it is formed, you know, from zero to seven. So it's really kind of examining all of that. And you know, people, I think, even so often mistake their personalities for their identity, but so much of that isn't real. And so I think it is dismantling that questioning all of it, identifying what piece of it might be real. And what is the Exalted form of that? How are we in? How do we identify what our true virtues and values are what really matters to us, and there's always a system, right, that is actually intrinsic to each of us, and no two people are the same, right? We all have unique blueprints. So even the ordering of those things is going to be different for all of us are our passions and our interests and our what lights us up and what gives us pleasure, and what we truly desire. And what were our purpose is in this life, that all is made up, you know, in this in this list of our virtues and values, which again is intrinsic, but most of us don't live in alignment with that most of us live with that totally kind of jumbled and random and, you know, not really living into what it is our true alignment. So I think it's dismantling that and then getting conscious of what the true alignment what the true ordered system of our virtues and values. And of course, if we're a seeker, and we're growth minded, that's going to be ever evolving as well. And so it's a constant practice where we have to keep attuning to that attuning to ourselves breathing in new information, new consciousness that we learn new experiences that we have, and really identifying Okay, well, now that I know this, now that my consciousness has expanded, how do I integrate that into my value system? And how is that reflected? So I think reflection of that isn't just knowing it, right? Because knowing it's important, but we end up feeling in deep pain and suffering, frankly, when we then get conscious of that, but we're not embodied in it. So then it's what are the conscious right steps that I would need to either eliminate from my life the things that are contrary to what I now consciously know? And what would I incorporate? Or how would I live more aligned? Meaning how am I giving my time energy? Attention money? Like what how do I invest the most valuable currency that I have? How do I invest that? And do I put that into conscious the conscious right action, knowing what this conscious list would look like? And then how is that ever evolving. And so that's our work to do right to keep coming back to that place, right. And then, you know, each day will fall out of alignment with that, or, you know, when we get better it looks like and it's not really about ever arriving there. It's really about knowing what it feels like in our body, when we have incorporated and brought those pieces into alignment. And if something feels out of alignment, then what do you need to do? How do you know that you need to show up? Right? How do you need to invest in yourself so that you can bring yourself back into alignment? Right? And that just can be simply listening? To the little things, you know what feels good to me? Where do I feel like I am in harmony inside myself? Who am I around? What things am I doing what what is the sensory experiences? It's everything right? It's like our consciousness is is engaging with other, you know, consciousnesses all the time. And so it's listening to what that is, and knowing what's true for us, right? And that way, nothing's personal. It's no criticism against another person or their system. It's just what's true for me. And so I think it's our truth I really think our it our alignment is our truth. And knowing that and feeling it and then it becomes aligned in our you know, in our bodies, we can feel it just in you know, all of the layers of our being so

Laura Wakefield:

yeah, and you know, it's this kind of ironic thing. I think we have this idea that nobody knows me as well as I know myself, right? I've lived with myself all my life. I know me until you start to dig in and ask the question, like, I have to stop myself at this point in my life. I'm in my little midlife recovery discovery period. I'm 55 years old and you think my 55 you know yourself, right? Except when you start to challenge you know, what do you like to do? Well, this is what I do. But is that real? Is that really what you like to do? Yeah, well, I don't know. You know, sort asking those questions and you find yourself on these paths that are very surprising even to yourself. And sometimes people outside of us, like your therapist can see it before we even can. So I think we need to get past this idea that we know ourselves better than anybody else. Because sometimes that's not true.

Casey Stevens:

Yeah, it's in sometimes it's really the very opposite of that. Right? So, and I think it's so important, right? As healers and space holders to allow people to arrive at that on their own right, and we can hold a container and reflect that back to them. And if, you know, like, what is it that we see? And if they're participating, right, but that's where it really is this even energy exchange, right? Where no one person is, you know, like, we're all just, you know, equal, really, and so how is it that there's not this hierarchy, there's not this authoritative presence really, like somebody might have more insight and, you know, I'm, I might have insight into other people, which often is absolutely the case, I can see things before they unfold. And it's really allowing that person the dignity of their own process, so that they can arrive at that space, and really, then be able to witness it's not important that I see the truth in somebody. I mean, it can be helpful, but valuable is that they see the truth that they can identify it. And that's when we're transformed. It's not. And because, you know, when I talk to people about this often, right, it's like, so much of the world is structured on this explicit motivation, rather than real implicit motivation. And when we're aligned, we are implicitly motivated every, like, we know what we are unflappable in that way, right? We nobody can, nobody's criticism, or rejection, or any of those things that ended up forming, you know, our, our psyches and the way that they our personalities, or our identities matter, right, because we know our own truth, right? Like it, all of that is being sourced implicitly. And so then that is what drives us. And that is also what protects us. And we can do that for ourselves. So it's really beautiful, right? When you can hold the container and allow people to really see their own essence and arrive at that awareness and that just connect with the knowing being inside themselves.

Laura Wakefield:

Definitely. So I know you work with people in person and online. So really, people all over can work with you. If someone comes in wants to work with you, I saw on your website that it talks about that you can work with him and just very traditional psychotherapy the way that everybody would assume it would go. But you also have offerings in ancient How did I How did you put it ancient energy?

Casey Stevens:

Healing? Yeah, yeah. So a little

Laura Wakefield:

bit about that. I know, there's a lot to that question. But you know, like, what is the kind of things you offer?

Casey Stevens:

Yeah, it's, um, you know, the long and short answer is I've trained in lots of modalities, many of which I don't even talk about, you know, on my website, and I wouldn't say I mean, I don't know, maybe this is my own little, you know, rebel spirit. But I think, I don't ever even in the psychology realm, there's so many modalities that we study, and it's like, okay, this is a good way to do something, or whatever. And I don't know, I have just a bit of a rebellion against all of that, because I really think, when we are most powerful is when we take anything that we know, and it's all just sitting there somewhere right in my psyche, but there's not one thing that I've trained in, and I'm like, Okay, well, I'm going to do this with this person, right? Here's the technique, you know, and I'm going to follow what I learned, I think that we're most powerful when we kind of overlay that with our own magic and our own medicine. And so I know that I have just unique gifts that are inside of me that I am that step forward. And how that translates a lot for me is, well, I'm kinesthetic, I'm pretty kinesthetic, right, that's kind of the way that I experience the world as a sensory experience, but it's kind of Clairsentience and Claire cognizance that show it for me as well. And so, I take a lot of those, you know, trainings that I've done and again, they're rumbling around, they're somewhere in my, in my psyche and my knowledge, you know, it's like it's all there and I probably extract from different pieces, but there's not just one you know, thing that I follow because then I overlay it with however information comes through for me, which happens to be like if I'm in a container with people than I will into it, like I will feel a lot in my body or I'll just get this knowing or I'll get, you know, kind of this psychic download about a lot of stuff. So, especially when we're doing you know what I would call more of the quantum shamanic that work, right? How that comes through is I can feel it, you know, like, they might be experiencing something and I can feel it in their body, or I can feel anxiety or I can feel if it's a, I can see a memory field or just information comes through. And it's cool, because then I can reflect. And that's not anything anybody taught me, it's just my sister, you know, it's who I am. And so and it's not anything I've ever trained for, but I, I busted because I use it and have used it every day for, you know, decade plus, right, in an intentional way with other people. So I know what I'm getting is real. And I know that it's really powerful at helping other people move that energy and tap into that. So. So that's probably I, you know, I always feel like I'm at a loss or a lack of, of like, the appropriate words, right? It's like, you try to take things that people won't understand, or they couldn't conceptualize, but really, that's how the medicine kind of moves through me. And then I overlay all of these practices, you know, my psychology and kind of more of the ancient, you know, Eastern practices, as well. And then you just meet that soul and you give that soul what they need. And then you, you know, sometimes it's moving energy, sometimes it's bringing parts back, you know, there's so much that is involved in that. So sometimes, again, it's past lives or inner child stuff. And, but that's really what, that that's how I practice. And yeah, I hope that answers your question that, you know, I know at least Yeah, yes, yeah.

Laura Wakefield:

I love that you don't limit yourself to either clinical, or spiritual, either western or eastern, like, you just will meet the person where they are, and your gifts in, and intellect and all of those things that you have at your disposal to help them and I think that that is amazing. So if somebody goes to your website, and wants to work with you, what kinds of offerings do you have for them? Do you have like packages or

Casey Stevens:

daily, not really, you know, it's funny, I, I mean, a lot. So because I'm a licensed therapist, and I'm able, there are people that come and really will show up. And I actually, you know, have negotiated this within myself different times. Because a lot of people will come in, and they think, Oh, I'm doing therapy. And so it's like a weekly thing. And, and what's really fun is people will come in, and maybe they're not, they're thinking that's what they want to do. But they end up doing regular, because they're seekers and you know, growth minded and want to explore all of these things. And so they end up opening up, so a lot of my people will see me as an ongoing basis, right, and maybe that's just for a season in their life, but they almost like a traditional therapist, right? That it's like you have your weekly appointment or every two weeks or whatever that is. And a lot of it's that, but it's also can be really random. So I do you know, there was a time that I tried, I don't know how you fill about this. And I actually love it when I work with other people. And I do this, but there was a time when I tried doing packages, and I just didn't like it because I like the energy exchange of you show up. And that's, you know, here's your time. And I mean, I certainly have structures and practical ways that I've kind of set up my business. For people who are since I'm in Washington State, I am licensed here, and I'm not licensed anywhere else, even though a lot of those with the therapy world have actually you know, extended so people can be in another state or other in those ways that they can still use their insurance benefits. I've never taken insurance, but this is where my licenses and so it kind of helps with that structure. People will show up they'll usually have standing appointments but definitely people you know, a lot of times then when people kind of graduate from therapy, they'll end up maybe they'll come back once a month or every you know, or when they need it you know there people definitely do that as well. So there's options but honestly to me it's just to drill all of that down I know I probably just said a lot nothing at all it really is I just like the energy exchange right it's like I'm showing up and you're gonna get a full you know, my full presence and everything that I have to offer my energy and that if it's an hour you book or a full day that you book like whatever it is, that just is how I like to show up and meet people and I think it's super rigid it's not No not at all. Yeah, and I just don't like like I don't know about so for me package's kind of feels like I almost feel like there's like this chord you know where where people are waiting or I don't want people to feel like that at all. I just feel like okay, now is our time and it's just really about like the Now moment right and so I just don't like that I like to kind of be in the energy and then I feel like also like the energy hygiene is really good for me when I and of course these can be ongoing people but Even in terms of the way I charge people, it's just like, okay, that's the date, like, we're just showing up, and we're connected. And then we disconnect the energy, right? And I send you out and I hold you in this beautiful container. And, you know, maybe I'll see you again, and maybe, you know, it's a one time thing or whatever, and, or maybe I'll see you next week, but I just kind of leave them in that. And I, to me, the energy exchange, I don't know, it's just such a personal thing. And that's all I can explain it. But yeah, that's how it works for me.

Laura Wakefield:

Well, that leads me so I pulled this quote, of yours from Instagram, from a few. But you said, healing at its very essence. It's about placing truth and the desire for love above all else. It's about allowing yourself to be torn down, built back up with a greater integrity and discernment. But what I'm hearing from you is that love isn't just important for them to desire, but that seems to be kind of how you run your practice to is from a foundation of that, because I'm hearing that rather than just this is my business, you have to fit into it. More like, I want to know you heal you in a way that makes more sense for you. And I love that.

Casey Stevens:

Yeah, I feel like I show up with you know, anyone you know, whether it's somebody that I see a couple, like, I just show up fully present, right? I think we were talking about this, as we were chatting before we, you know, got on our actual interview. But it just, it's so organic. And really everything happens in the Now moment. And so I really like to live that way. Because I want I know how wonderful it feels when I'm in alignment with that. And even I love you know, the word integrity, because circling back to the word alignment, that's what I think alignment is, is it's like, are we in integrity with ourselves. And so for me, my flow, and a lot of people are much more structured than I am. But my natural flow is actually very organic. It's I think it's really listening and being in the flow, the most structure that I have in my life honestly are like, if I have an appointment with you at noon, then I'll be there at noon, right? Usually give or take right a few minutes. But even that could flow a little bit with me. But that really is my essence. It's not everybody's essence. But that's my essence. And so I feel like just how do I show up as organic and as present as I possibly can for you. And then you get that full presence, right? It's like, you get all of my energy during whatever time that we're meeting. And then we seal that up, right, we close it up so that your energy is yours, and mine is mine. And then I can show up. And I think that's really important too, just to show up, it helps me because then I have the energy and the presence to show up in integrity and having my full kind of like an impeccable hygiene for the next person. Right. And so I can really show up that way. Because people can feel that when we choose a healer, we're absorbing consciousness and your own wound, and we're absorbing all of that. And that's true with any exchange, but especially the container of a healer. I mean, it's, it's, I mean, if you go get a massage, if you do anything, right, like you are absorbing the consciousness. And so I think choosing really wisely and feeling into everything about that exchange and feeling into that consciousness. Right? And does it feel right and really listening to what you know. And, again, none of this is even personal if it's not a match, because that just means there's not alignment, right? And that's okay.

Laura Wakefield:

Right? Yeah. Because you're not going to connect with everybody, but the people that need your spirit and your energy will be drawn to you. So you don't have to worry about those things, you know, we just have to show up as ourselves and then we will be who we need to be, you know, exactly come to us need to be in here. So I do have another question for you. But before I do that, tell everybody, all the places that they can find you.

Casey Stevens:

Well, so, my name is Casey Stephens. And so you can probably Google that and find but my website is shrink So you can go there. And as I mentioned, you can sign up on my newsletter and I send a newsletter maybe once a month or something with just, you know, musings, sometimes stories, sometimes helpful little things, it's never you know, too invasive. I hope it's helpful to people I you know, if I am on podcasts, I'll share those things so that people can just find, you know, meet people, wonderful people like you and have exposure to that. And then you'll, you know, Get free meditations and stuff like that from time to time as well. So, so that's one way to connect. And then my Instagram is at shrink bigger. So

Laura Wakefield:

my last question for you is how does all of this relate to joy because you know that this podcast is fundamentally based on seeking and finding greater joy in our lives. How do To the things that we've been talking about, about finding the alignment and accessing our spirituality, how do those things lead to greater peace and joy in our lives?

Casey Stevens:

Just directly, so yeah, I love the conversation and how you kind of wove it all in because I really think our alignments right out of that integrity when we peel that back and get more clear about it, and live in alignment with that, what I talked often about this with people, that there's there's impulse, right, and then there's pleasure, and desire, right? And I, those are kind of synonymous with joy for me, right? And so a joyful, peaceful life if we are living aligned in that way. And, and again, these these two, like the idea of pleasure, joy, desire, really is how do we live this aligned life. So everything we talked about earlier, whereas impulse really takes us directly, it's not similar to the it's not only not similar to it, it takes us away from what it is we truly desire. So when we're impulsive, when we do the thing, that it's like, ooh, that'll give me you know, that instant dopamine hit, right, whatever that is, that's actually taking us away generally, from the serotonin that we can achieve. If we're living this joyful, aligned, pleasure filled life. And so it's, again, getting to know what that is consciously peeling back the layers and the things that we are mistaking for that, that would probably be over like in this more impulsive category, right? It's like, oh, I have this reaction. Yeah, I mean, that could be an abstraction, or I want to have this, it's like, but does it really bring you closer to this integrity of self, to your, your truth. And so I love what you're offering to the world by, you know, and I'm just so in awe of people who show up in the way that you, you know, it's like, you're, you're broadcasting it and helping reach the masses. So I'm so in awe of people that, you know, have that in their blueprint, right? Because that is us, bringing joy to our life. So it really is understanding that, that that is the joy filled life. And I think that's really, what we are here for right is to have more and more moments of that, to feel that alignment, to feel that integrity, to feel that truth, to feel that joy. And if we do that, then we are leaning into true pleasure, we are leaning into our highest, most aligned desire, and that's what I think life is about.

Laura Wakefield:

I love the way you put that because for reasons that I mean, there's a whole lot of reasons why. But in our society, we seem to have taken those two words pleasure and desire and convoluted them to almost bring up not actual meanings of sinfulness and badness and impulsiveness and, and all that stuff. But that's almost what comes up in us when we say those words, if I want to say, I'm seeking my desires, I'm seeking pleasure. almost has like a bad cause.

Casey Stevens:

I know it does. And yet, right? They are actually, I mean, I really believe in, you know, like, can do research and really understand this, that it is in opposition energetically even just feeling into it. Right? You're like you don't have to research a thing energetically feel into when I'm aligned with what I'm Wow. I mean, it could be something so innocent and beautiful, right? And often, it is, right? It's like to be in a beautiful meditation or to sit and admire a thing of beauty, to stare out it, you know, or to have peace, whatever that is. It's, there is pleasure in that. And it's really noticing what that is. And that's what I desire to feel is more joy and more pleasure in my life in the most pure and beautiful of ways, right versus what is impulsive. And that's what I think people associate that that word like impulse, desire, and, and pleasure. And oftentimes what I think people and again, this is maybe getting too, too, you know, out in the weeds, but oftentimes, that's just where my mind goes, is people who think that they're experiencing a pleasure or a desire, it actually truly is an impulse and there are mistaking it, and that's, I think what you're talking about, right there. They're mistaking the meaning or the understanding of what that truly is. And that's why it's been labeled right, taboo or nefarious in some kind of way.

Laura Wakefield:

But it's hard words have taken that connotation. Yeah,

Casey Stevens:

it is. It's unfortunate because when you really feel into or even just the the consciousness of pleasure, and you just allow that to come in, it's a beautiful thing, it's a positive, it's a very high frequency thing. If you lean into desire, right, it's like, same thing, really, if you feel the consciousness of that, like intuitively just drop it in, like, get yourself neutral, and just drop that consciousness in, right? Just like anything, if I, if we use the word peace, or happiness or love, right, you can feel the consciousness of that. So feel the consciousness of, you know, joy, feel the consciousness of pleasure, feel the consciousness of desire, and those are pretty high frequency when I tune into them, right? Versus anything that's like an impulse. And a lot of times those impulsive things actually take us further away from alignment further away from our truth further away. And then our our lives are and how we know that that's true that we are living into these impulses is that our lives are chaotic in some way. Right? Like we feel depressed or anxious or chaotic or stressed or out of alignment. Like, that's how we know that there are too many impulsive things happening in our life, it could be just our impulsive response to that, you know, reaction to things rather, because, you know, our response would probably be more conscious. But yeah, that's how, you know, I hope, you know, that's not too complex. But that's the way that I know,

Laura Wakefield:

I think that that's a really lovely way of putting that because the energy that we feel, there's so many things that bring pleasure. And they're not. I mean, some of them, I suppose could be bad in the mistaken definition. Because oftentimes, our impulses really don't bring real pleasure.

Casey Stevens:

No, they exactly, they always take us away, they don't bring us any sustainable pleasure, right? And they leave us wanting, they leave us needing they leave us empty, they leave us with a void rather than this kind of sustained again, if you're just understanding what those two hormones and chemicals are in our body, right? It takes us away from that every time. So it will give us the instant hit and the illusion that we are actually capturing something. But we need more and more in our society. I mean, it's with all the things right all the social everywhere. Yeah, it's really just kind of turn the corner. So it's really hard to avoid those things, right? Even for the most mindful of among us, right? It's really, it really takes a fierce spiritual practice to identify that and then move to be, you know, different from that in the world that we live in today. But I think this is where the real juicy fruit lives, right to be in that joy. And that truth and that alignment in that integrity. Something I'll often say, right, if we identify what that hierarchy is of our true virtue and value system, our truth, our essence, right are that like blueprint that we're here for, oftentimes, and this is kind of circling back to everything we're saying, but just saying it in a different way. There is pain, right? There is real like to choose that path to invest in that often will cost us time, energy, money. And so not to give up if like, if we are investing those things, if we can identify what is valuable on this list over here, right, this conscious list, then it will cost us time, energy and money, but the payoff will be so great if we really make that investment because we've really listened and not abandon that because Oh, it's gonna take time or and most people do, right? Most people do a band, it's like, Oh, it's too hard or it costs too much money or I don't have the time or whatever it is. And that's those are exactly the things that your soul your your aligned self would really want to be doing. If it were going to be you know, in harmony

Laura Wakefield:

when it's costing so much more, not to cost so much more not to Yeah, no and maybe not in the immediate sense, but over our lifetime to be out of alignment causes so much more damage than taking the time the effort, the money, whatever it is that it takes to get in alignment. Well worth the price.

Casey Stevens:

It's yeah, I yeah, I have no regrets myself. So yeah, yeah. See, thank

Laura Wakefield:

you so much for being my guest today. I've really enjoyed talking with you, learning from your wisdom, and I really appreciate you.

Casey Stevens:

Likewise, I have enjoyed it very much. Thank you for having me. And thank you for holding this space for me.

Laura Wakefield:

Wonderful. Have a wonderful day everybody. Thank you for joining me today on the joy Felicity podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please like and share and come follow me on all major social media sites at Joy Felicity or on my website, Joy You can follow the link in the disk option for this episode to all of the places that we can connect Have a great day everybody and remember dare to dream plan to play live to learn